Fri 10 Jan
SEXY, Submissive, Mature!! Busty, Curvy and Beautiful! All for YOUR Pleasure!! - 43
(29th and Alvernon)
★💙•♥ SO MÅNY ChOiCeS °♥° BUT NÕN€ °♥° LiK€ ME! ✔YoUR ✔PeRFecT ✔TrEaT ♥•-*StArR 520-635 -0898 ♥ - 26
♡ Your Very OWN CALIFRNIA GIRL♡ 120hh Special Just For You ! OUTCALL ONLY ♡ - 19
(Medford, central point / Surrounding Areas)
NEW PiCs! ✄ CuT OUT the FaKES! 100%me or FREE! ✄ STOP getting tricked! IM REAL! $100 Specials! ✄ - 24
🌈MATURE WOMAN! NO Games!🌹Safe Comfortable!💋JEWELZ 503💎214💎o68oEspañol - 45
(ne portland airport area, Portland)
LongView ♥ 100 ♡ TALL & Curvy PLAYMATE ♥ Available Now ♥ (IN/OUT ) - 28
(North Portland, Longview/Kelso*Incall/Outcall)
Busty Beauty to Rock Your World!!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, anywhere you want me!)
🔒🔒🔒$$120 special 🔒🔒PRIVATE BRIDGEPORT INCALL AVAILABLE 🔹🔹🔹Well Reviewed ❣️❣️❣️ Curvy Exotic Companion - 30
SPeSiAL to DaY only SPeSIAL To day oNLY sPESIAL to DAY oNLY so CAll NOw 80.00 - 22
🍷Sexy Ashley is here for your Adult Entertainment!🍷 - 24
(Phoenix, Camelback and 16th st. (Last night))
🎂 You can have your Cake⌚ 150special including door 🎂 - 25
(Phx North, behind jack n box across big lots)
✨Upscale INCALL 24/7 💕 😍4255532188💕Mariah is Here To Satisfy Your Every Need, Want, & Desire😇💋 - 21
(East Valley, Phoenix, PHX Skyharbor Airport Guadalupe Avondale)
thick&juicy; waterfall siniyah! looking to make new friends* incall specia!* - 20
(West Valley, I-17 & Peoria West Valley)
* * S*M*O*K*i*N -- H*O*T*T * * * { PReTTy & PLaYFuLL } * * * BaRBiE DoLL * *60 * s p e ci aLs ! - 20
☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥╠╣ot!! ☆ 💓Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD。。💕H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr ΜιηD - 23
(East Valley, o/c-eastvalley, Phoenix)
N - E - W! _____ o°o BrAINiaC! ChEcK ____ OuT____ MY __ BIG___ B@NG ____THEORY! ;)) - 19
(Scottsdale ----- Incall/Outcall)
LOOK!!!! [★]M a i n°►A t t r a c t i o n [★] . SweeT & SeXy BLONDE! **Avail NOW** - 23
(East Valley, Tempe Condo Incall Or Outcall)
EARLY BIRD $80 •:¦-•* BELLA *•-:¦:-• * *•-:¦:-•** EXOTIC *•-:¦:-•* ITALIAN •-:¦:-• OC SpeCiaLs - 24
👑💄👠 Badd Little Ms. Brooke Will Steal Your Heart Like A Crook💎😍💎 (incall special) - 20
(Phoenix, W Thomas near hwy 17, West Valley)
💗💗Mmmm INCALL SPECIALS. Sexy greeneyes ready to please you available right now💕💕 - 22
(Portland, 82 area Portland)
MALORY.... Specializing In Late Nights and Early Mornings - 30
(Portland, clackamas/portland vincinity)
Drop dead Gorgeous Latina with J-LO CULO ** ( No fake butt implants here ! ) - 34
(Portland, SE-PORTLAND)
80$ hott $pecials in& OUT ☆☆☆iN Your AREA☆☆☆ L.iM.iTiED Time . Blonde ♡ GODess XOXO ♡ sexy . ready. - 21
(Chesapeake, Incalls & Out !!!, Norfolk, Virginia Beach)
New Pics!! 4"10 105 Lbs⬇⬇⬇small & sexy 💎Perfect Companion - 20
(Tucson, Tucson Central Incalls and Outcalls)
★•°o©• {SNEAK} °o©• {AWAY} °o©• {&} °o©• {COME} °o©• {PLAY} °o°• SPeCiaLs★•°o© - 21
(Tucson, oracle/prince)
▬▐▐▐ ▬ Outcall Only ❤ Busty DDs❤ Best Service & Skills❤ Great Rates❤ REAL PIC ❤ ▬▐▐▐ ▬ - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, OUTCALLS ONLY, Phoenix, Phx North, Tucson, West Valley)
🌃 🌃🍎 Sexy 🍎🌃🌃 🍎 TS TOP OR BOTTOM 🍎🌃 8inc FUNCTIONAL 🌃100%🍎 Call now 5202131056 🍎🌃 - 23
(40 st and thomas, Phoenix)
×°x°× █ ATTENTION █ ×°x°× ╚ ► Perfect ➓_HOT FiLiPiNA_ SW33T & S3XY!! - 20
(Outcalls to vancouver, portland)
**Im Taking Time Away From the Club bc its been slow- 1 Sample Rub bc I need Regulars (623) 295-9488 - 27
(Phoenix, Tucson, my place or yours (623) 295-9488)
SPECIAL! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, SUBMISSIVE, Mature and Curvy With Great Legs!!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
NEW HOT BABE !!! Gorgeous Blonde Alert !!! - Don't Miss Out. Call Now - 5-6 125 lbs - 20
(Tucson In/Out)
~~**~~ I Don't Claim Perfection But I Do Promise To Give It My All lt ~~**~ 5208788267 - 30
(Tucson, 29th/s.6th ave)
••••• TrEAT yOU'R SELf LiKE RoYALtY WITh ROyALTY ••• A+ SeRViCE ••• i 'LL GeT ThE JOB DONe ••••• - 23
(Tucson, East Side N Tucson off Grant Rd.)